10 Mid-Back Stretches to Ease Stress and Tension
When it comes to back trouble, lower back pain tends to steal the spotlight, but mid-back pain—aches that occur anywhere between the back of the neck and the bottom of the rib cage—is no picnic either. Your mid-back does a lot of work throughout the day—here are a few easy stretches to soothe and strengthen it.
Spinal Injections for Scoliosis: What to Know
Spinal injections are a minimally invasive treatment that can help ease pain caused by scoliosis.
What can cause tenderness when pressing on the spine?
A tender spot when pressing on the spine is typically due to an injury. However, other conditions, such as disc degeneration, herniated discs, inflammatory arthritis, or infections, may cause localized spine pain.
Do Steroid Shots Help Ease Back Pain? Experts Weigh In
There appears to be limited evidence supporting the use of epidural steroid injections for certain types of chronic lower back pain, new guidance from the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) finds. They may modestly reduce pain for up to three months and disability up to six months
What causes a hump on the back of the neck?
A hump on the back of the neck, or top of the spine, can have various causes. These causes may include kyphosis, osteoporosis, muscle knots, and cysts.
7 Effective Stretches To Ease Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy
The tailbone pain, coccyx pain, or prenatal lower back pain, also known as coccydynia, is a sharp or dull pain at the end of the spine. If the pain is severe, it is called ‘bruised tailbone.’ Some pregnant women might experience this pain due to various reasons. Although there is no cure for this pain, some simple stretching exercises could help in reducing the pain to some extent.
Living with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
While spinal stenosis is a progressive condition, there are many things you have in your power to help reduce your pain, stay active and/or slow the progression of the condition.
The effects of regular training on spinal posture: a fitness and bodybuilding perspective
Regular training is associated with better postural alignment, decreased risk of musculoskeletal problems, and improved overall physical function. The aim of this study was to examine the changes in the spinal postures of individuals who regularly engage in fitness and bodybuilding training.
Tips To Avoid Back Pain From Raking Leaves
Autumn paints the landscape in enough brilliant hues to make “leaf peeping” an annual event. But that visual delight can become a physical pain when those leaves hit the ground and fall cleanup begins.
Small weight gains increase risk of back pain and disability for males, study finds
A comprehensive two-decades long study of 695 men living in Geelong found that gaining as little as three kilograms of weight over five years is linked to back pain and high rates of disability ten years later, highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.