What sleeping position is best for sacroiliac joint pain relief?
SJP may worsen at night, particularly if a person lies on the side of the affected joint or moves suddenly in bed. Adopting certain sleeping positions and other nighttime habits may help to ease the pain.
Wraparound' implants represent new approach to treating spinal cord injuries
A tiny, flexible electronic device that wraps around the spinal cord could represent a new approach to the treatment of spinal injuries, which can cause profound disability and paralysis.
What to know about spinal stenosis surgery
Spinal stenosis is a condition that causes the spaces in the spine to become narrow. This can put pressure on the spinal cord. When the spaces in the spine narrow, it can create pressure on the spinal cord and any nearby nerve tissue.
Study shows high rates of hip osteoarthritis among older adults with spinal deformity
One-third of patients undergoing surgery for adult spinal deformity (ASD) also have severe osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip—which is associated with worse spinal alignment and physical functioning, reports a study in the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.
Recovery from spinal fusion: What to expect
Spinal fusion is a surgical technique that permanently joins two or more of the spine’s vertebrae, or bones. It is a major procedure that requires extensive healing time for the bones to fuse fully and for the body to recover from the surgical trauma.
What are the most effective medications for back pain?
Researchers have conducted several research reviews into medications for back pain. They found some may be more effective than others.
What are the stages of ankylosing spondylitis?
There are three ankylosing spondylitis stages — early, progressive, and late. As the condition progresses, people tend to experience more pain and stiffness. Getting treatment earlier can help reduce complications.
Hot and Cold Therapy: When to Use Each for Neck Pain
Experts recommend using ice after an injury, for sudden onset pain, or for inflammation. Heat is ideal for chronic pain or for injuries that are no longer swollen.
Doctors can now watch spinal cord activity during surgery
With technology developed at UC Riverside, scientists can, for the first time, make high resolution images of the human spinal cord during surgery. The advancement could help bring real relief to millions suffering chronic back pain.
Gone fishing: Minimally invasive, robotic spine surgery helps man return to work and fun
Bad back? It's why many people seek medical care. Nonoperative approaches such as physical therapy are typical, first-line treatments for back pain. But minimally invasive robotic spine surgery is improving recovery and long-term outcomes for some patients who need surgery.